Is Your Sunscreen Reef Safe?

Is your sunscreen reef safe?
We know we should be using “reef safe” sunscreen☀️, but what does it mean? And what makes it “reef safe”? 🐠
With climate change, severe ocean pollution, along with other environmental factors, oceans are being heavily affected 🌪, and coral reefs around the world are dying at an unfortunate rate. 📉
According to Consumer Reports, “up to 6,000 tons of sunscreen are estimated to wash into coral reefs around the globe each year” (Calderone, April 2021), contributing to coral bleaching due to these chemicals in commercial sunscreen - oxybenzone and octinoxate, avobenzone, octisalate, octocrylene, or homosalate.💥
Coral bleaching does not only damage aquatic life, but it also creates a lasting impact on our ecosystem! 💔♻️
So look out for those damaging chemicals when you buy sunscreen next time❗️, use natural sunscreen instead if you can, it’s better for you & the environment🌿 Most importantly, cover yourself with sun protective clothing.
根據消費者報告,“估計每年有多達 6千噸防曬霜沖入珊瑚礁”(卡爾德隆,2021 年 4 月),而商業防曬霜入面其中兩種成份——二苯甲酮-3 同辛氧酸酯,就有助導致珊瑚礁漂白。💥
所以下次買防曬時,記住留意以上兩種有害化學物 ❗️ 改用天然防曬霜,對您同環境都更好。🌿