Maca Powder (Organic) 有機瑪卡粉


This product is currently sold out.

Minimum order of 50 grams

(price is per gram)


Finely milled and golden beige in colour, maca powder is loaded with nutrients and vitamins. Earthy and nutty in flavour, maca powder has a slight butterscotch flavour background. Added to smoothies, cereals, and baked goods, maca powers your food with that extra boost of nutrition. This product is also gluten-free and vegan!


Organic maca powder


Valeur Nutritive
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size ( 2 ) g
Par ( 2 ) g
Teneur % Valeur Quotidienne
Amount % Daily Value
Calories / Calories 5
Lipides / Fat 0 g 0 %
   Saturés / Saturated 0 g
    +Trans / Trans 0 g
0 %
Cholesterol / Cholesterol 0 mg 0
Sodium / Sodium 0 mg 0 %
Glucides / Carbohydrate 1 g 0 %
   Fibres / Fibre 0 g 0 %
    +Sucres / Sugars 1 g
Protéines / Protein 0.1 g
Vitamine A / Vitamin A 0 %
Vitamine C / Vitamin C 0 %
Calcium / Calcium 0 %
Fer / Iron 2 %