Hong Kong Zero Waste Living: Tips for Back-To-School 📚



but have you ever considered the negative impacts that it brings to our environment and health?
According to the study by The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong’s high use of plastic would eventually contaminate on our shores, contributing to an average amount of 5,600 pieces mircroplastic per sqm on our beaches. A study in 1972 estimated the seafood consumer’s body is found with up to 11,000 tiny pieces of plastics annually, and their long-term health effects on humans are still unknown.
Plastic products are cheap and convenient but it is not irreplaceable. Act a step ahead and say "NO" to plastic for a less wasteful, more thoughtful lifestyle.
Here are some little green steps that you can try to help alleviate these problems:
are very durable and can go a long way. An additional benefit that many people may not realise is that you will also be using safer materials when you invest in high-quality reusable containers with less chemicals and toxins.
Take out became more popular lately and there is a growing reliance on food delivery services. Slow down for proper dine-in meals with family and friends, you will be surprised how much plastic tableware you would deduce. Sit in and share some quality time with your family!

"Every new item of clothing made has a substantial carbon footprint attached to its manufacturing, but the amount of new energy needed to produce vintage clothing is zero," -Emma Watson
The idea of being sustainable impacts many of our shopping habits, we care more about the quality than quantity, as we would like to make sure that what we buy align with our values.