Homemade Vegan Chocolate 自家製素食朱古力
January 21 2021
January 21 2021

- ½ cup + 1 tablespoon / 60g Organic Cocoa Butter Wafers, Vegan / 有機可可脂片
- 3 tablespoons Organic Maple Sugar / 有機楓糖 (or other sweeteners)
- ½ teaspoon Organic Vanilla Extract / 有機香草精 or ½ Vanilla Pods
- ⅛ teaspoon Pink Himalayan Salt - Powder / 喜瑪拉雅山岩鹽
- ½ cup / 50g Organic Cacao Powder/ 有機可可粉
Add-ins, such as:
- Nuts / 果仁 (Roasted is optional)
- Raw, Organic Cacao Nibs / 有機可可碎
- Dried Fruis / 乾果
- Prepare your chocolate molds or a baking tray. Baking tray size depends on whether you want the chocolate bars to come out thick & narrow, or thin & wide, and whether you would like to make chocolate barks. Line the trays with parchment paper and set aside.
- Set up a double-boiler. Place the cocoa butter wafers in a heat resistant bowl, and sit it in the pot of hot simmering water, let the wafers melt slowly. Make sure water does not get into the bowl of melted cocoa butter, and stir constantly.
- Remove the bowl of melted cocoa butter off the heat. Whisk in the vanilla extract, maple syrup and salt. Then sift and mix in the cacao powder until smooth.
- You can either:
A: Mix your add-ins to the cocoa butter & powder mixture, then pour into your chocolate mold(s) / tray.
B: Pour the cocoa butter & powder mixture into your chocolate mold(s) / tray, and sprinkle your additional ingredients as toppings.
- Set the chocolate mold(s) / tray into the the fridge or freezer for 10-15 minutes, or until set!
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