Weekly Pre-order Organic Fresh Vegetable Basket 每週預訂本地有機蔬菜籃


This variant is currently sold out

Weekly Pre-order Organic Fresh Vegetable Basket 每週預訂本地有機蔬菜籃
Weekly Pre-order Organic Fresh Vegetable Basket 每週預訂本地有機蔬菜籃

Pre-order organic locally-grown vegetables, the available vegetable list will be updated every Tuesday or Wednesday! We will also post an instagram story when the list has been updated.

Order before Thursday 3pm in order to secure your vegetable order for Saturday afternoon delivery.  We will WhatsApp you once they are available to pick-up.

  • For the small basket, 7 Vegetable options.
  • For the large basket, 11 Vegetable options.

Each vegetable option weighs around 600g-700g (for loose items like leafy greens, beans, mushrooms, etc) and more for bigger items (such as cauliflower, broccoli, pumpkin, etc). For example, one portion of the following can contain: tomatoes (5pcs), onions (4pcs), broccoli/cauliflower (2pcs), large eggplants (2pcs), large carrots (2pcs), bell peppers (3pcs), mini pumpkin (3pcs), etc.

These baskets are for pick up only.

Pick-up Location:

Sai Ying Pun Live Zero Bulk Foods️

G/F 33 High Street, Sai Ying Pun (MTR Exit C)

Opening Hours: Daily 10am - 7pm

Please select the 'non-food items pick up' option at shipping options, unless you have other bulk food items in the same order that require packing. We will not charge packing fee for just the vegetable basket.

* Reminder: Please bring your own shopping bag for pick-up at Live Zero shop


本地有機農耕蔬菜籃,最新可訂購的蔬菜清單會在每週星期二晚上定期更新。我哋亦會同步透過IG Story更新大家。

請在星期四下午3下單,以確保本地有機蔬菜籃能於星期六下午取貨。當蔬菜籃準備好後,我哋會用Whatsapp 方式通知客人取貨。


  • 菜籃可以選擇7款 蔬菜(約共4.4kg)
  • 菜籃可以選擇11款 蔬菜 (約共6.8kg)

* 每款蔬菜約一斤重


Live Zero Bulk Foods - 西營盤️

西營盤高街33號地鋪 (地鐵C出口)

營業時間: 每日10am - 7pm

請於運送方法中選擇「non-food items pick up」選項,除非於同一訂單中有其他需要包裝的散裝食品。只訂購有機蔬菜籃不會收取包裝費。

* 溫提:請各位自備購物袋到 Live Zero 取菜籃


    Weekly Pre-order Organic Fresh Vegetable Basket 每週預訂本地有機蔬菜籃
    Weekly Pre-order Organic Fresh Vegetable Basket 每週預訂本地有機蔬菜籃