Toilet Brush (Wood Handle 37cm)


This variant is currently sold out

Toilet Brush (Wood Handle 37cm)
Toilet Brush (Wood Handle 37cm)
Toilet Brush (Wood Handle 37cm)
Toilet Brush (Wood Handle 37cm)
Toilet Brush (Wood Handle 37cm)
Toilet Brush (Wood Handle 37cm)


 Stiff brush

Size: approx. 37 cm

Stand Size: 

  • 25 cm


  • Untreated beechwood

  • Tampico fibre

Product Care

Re-treat brushes with wood oil or wax at least once a month.

After each use, lightly tap against a surface and then dry it in an airy environment at room temperature, either hanging or standing the brush on its bristles to prevent the wood from swelling, splitting and/or mildewing.

If the brush comes into contact with cleaning agents, rinse them briefly under warm water after each use, or, add a little mild soap to a cup of vinegar and soak your brush in the liquid for about an hour, then rinse with warm water and hang/lay (bristles down) to dry.

Country of Origin: Denmark 

Toilet Brush (Wood Handle 37cm)
Toilet Brush (Wood Handle 37cm)
Toilet Brush (Wood Handle 37cm)
Toilet Brush (Wood Handle 37cm)
Toilet Brush (Wood Handle 37cm)
Toilet Brush (Wood Handle 37cm)